Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey is all Gobbled Up!

Thanksgiving is over and now the Christmas season is upon us. Wow, time does fly! Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving Day. We did. December will go just as quickly as November. Deadlines and quotas to be met.

The tree is up. Shopped just a little today. Just having a very pleasant and cozy weekend. Keeping our granddoggy, Shiloh, for a few days. Jenny is having a blast playing with him.

One more appointment with eye doctor (had surgery) and that will be over. Then will head out to Florida the end of December.

Looking forward to the holidays, Christmas and New Year. Anyone thinking about their New Year's resolution(s)? The year has gone by so quickly. Wonder what 2009 will be like?

Until then.....

Friday, November 21, 2008

Camping and It's COLD

Our Good Sam chapter, TN Sunshine Travelers, are on our final month of the year of camping in Clarksville. Boy, is it cold at nights!! Thank goodness we have a building, although we, the chapter, are heating it with a kerosene heater. But we do have the luxuries of frig, stove, and sink and do we have some good meals planned.

Thanksgiving is near. As the bible states that we should be thankful in everything. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Until then....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November is here, Oh My!

Mid-November....unbelievable! Since my last post, I have had eye surgery and had a pterygium (growth on eye) removed. Surgery was nothing, but, oh, the recovery! RED EYE and bit of swelling along with some pain doctored with ointment and 2 kinds of drops. Found out I was allergic to one of the drops...pain was pretty severe in the eye when applied. Oh, well, I am doing good at present time along with seeing "white" on the eyeball. LOL

Have already cut out fabrics for 2 different rag quilts. One of which is almost sewn together. These are for the motorhome use. Mike and I will each have a quilt to snuggle into and will be timely for our 2 months in FL.

Mike is staying busy researching a new product for the business. He is going to introduce the product to the salesmen next week. Our house will be the test pilot. Well, you are probably wondering "What is it!" It is crawl space encapsulation (enclosing a crawl space area) which rids moisture and mold. The southeastern states have more problems with this and will help with health issues.

Today has hit us with a "cold" front. Temps dropped 20 degrees and maybe, just maybe, we may see some snowflakes tonight/early morning. The weather people really get on the subject of SNOW in their forecast.

For those of you reading this, I just want to make a statement on a tip for life.... "Take time to smell the roses and see the beauty of each rose." Life is getting toooo busy. We need our timeouts and breathe in God's blessings on what He is doing for us.

Until then....