Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rally in Perry, GA

Greetings, from Perry!

From last post, Mike and I met in Cullman, AL, and journeyed to Gadsen, AL, to stay a few days at the Nocculula Falls Campground. What a beautiful place. Campground is beside the falls and sets on pennisula like with two gorges on each side. The sound of the
ushing waters was sooo relaxing. The Falls is a must to see...90' falls and the place where the indian maiden jumped to her death on her wedding day. Of course, in the background of the falls, you can occassionaly hear Sheila, the lioness, roaring early a.m. and late evening.

We spent Tuesday night, March 11, in Columbus, GA at Lake Pines Campground which is 80+ miles west of Perry. Got up early and arrived today at the Perry Fairgrounds at 7:30 a.m. Looking forward to the Good Sam Club Rally.

Hi, Rosemary!!
Hi, Terry & Betty!!

Looking forward to seeing others here. Our friends, Vic and Rita, arrived an hour later and parked a few sites from us. There will be thousands of RVers attending the Rally.

Until then......

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