Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day in Pigeon Forge

Happy Father's Day to all who have logged in today. Even though we are away from our family on this day, we celebrate our togetherness, happiness, and love each day!

Yesterday we went to Townsend and along the way on Wears Valley Road was a new RV Resort in the early development stages. These sites are "for sale" and set in the valley with the georgous mountains as the backdrop! WOW! What beauty! Last night we went to a show "Magic Beyond Belief" and was very good. During the intermission Terry Evanswood, the magician, came out and spoke to us about the Lord. What a fulfilling spiritual enjoyment to hear the audience clap and hear some "amens"!

Early this a.m. we moved across the road to a concrete site with the backyard area overlooking the waterway. Today is party cloudy and the rain we had last evening was enough to water grass and plants and refresh the earth.

Have been listening to the news about Tim Russert's death. We were shocked and always enjoyed him on Meet the Press and all his many interviews.

Looking forward to another day of whatever goes!

Until then......

1 comment:

Jill said...

You know what? We need to get some Jones into the chapter. LOL!!!