Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Pray all my readers have had a blessed and Merry Christmas today!

It was certainly that here in the Smith household today. The family (Chris, Paul, Katelyn and Shannon, Gordon, Chad, Cara and Cindy) arrived Noon. Our meal was simple but delicious....appetizers, chicken stir-fry, and oh, those finger food desserts. Yum, Yum! After eating, the grandchildren opened their gifts. We had our stockings packed full and fun to open one item at a time. While we were preparing for Dirty Santa, the grandkids went outside to shoot Chad's B-B gun. Then back to Dirty Santa which was played somewhat as an auction....nobody kept their gift but was able to get it back if they had money to buy it. FUN, Fun, fun!!!

It was sad to see everyone go, but blessed to have everyone in!

Our tree and decor is put away, RV is packed, supper over, and soon will close the computer and pack for trip to Florida. Jenny is excited. She always seems to know when that RV is going to hit the road!

Checked the weather in Williston, FL where we are heading. Can you believe it is showing 80's!! Sure is going to be tough weathering those temperatures. LOL

To all our friends and other family, we love you and hope you will come see us "down there"!

Until then.....

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